The ideal temperature for a walk-in fridge depends on whether it’s a cooler or a freezer:

Walk-in Cooler: The ideal temperature is between 1°C and 4°C.

Walk-in Freezer: The ideal temperature is -18°C or lower.

Key Considerations:

Food Safety: Maintaining the correct temperature is essential for ensuring food safety and freshness.


Efficiency: The efficiency of the fridge depends on the size of the space and the materials used in its construction. Proper insulation and sealing are important for keeping energy usage low.

Outdoor Installation: If your walk-in fridge is located outdoors, insulation and climate control are crucial to maintaining the right temperature, especially during extreme weather.

Temperature Consistency: Once you’ve set the thermostat, it’s important to maintain good practices—such as keeping the door closed and ensuring regular maintenance—to keep the temperature consistent.

Factors That Can Affect Temperature: Several factors can impact the internal temperature, including frequent door openings, equipment malfunctions, and power outages. Regular checks help ensure the unit operates as expected.